Pregnant Again!

Many women experience different symptoms and challenges of pregnancy the second time around.Being pregnant for the second time is exciting. No longer are you nervous about every baby movement and poke

Family Fun Month

Celebrate Family Fun Month by enjoying the wonders of nature together--at a park, in the forest, or in your own backyard.Families that create fun traditions have something to get excited about and to

Beat Back-to-School Stress!

September, with its strange schools, new teachers, and different classmates, can be an exciting - and stressful - time for kids. Here are four stress busters to help them make the most of the school y

Surprising Benefits for Active Kids

Now that the kids are hitting the books, adequate daily exercise might become a footnote. Learn why active kids reap more benefits in and outside of the classroom!We all know that—as an overall rule—k

Lice be Gone!

Homework isn’t the only thing that kids dread bringing home from school. Lice can be a very common problem for children and can spread in school settings.Homework isn’t the only thing that kids dread